Contribute to the expansion of open knowledge and promote research transparency by publishing your data via the Duke Research Data Repository.

Duke Libraries can help you share your peer-reviewed article, thesis, dissertation, or other digital objects via an open access repository and your data through an open research data repository. We can help you find and use open educational resources, and can advise on copyright issues, scholarly publishing, data management, building and managing digital research projects, research metrics, and more.
Did you know that Duke has an open access policy? We can help you make sure your work is available to anyone who might want to read it, via your Scholars@Duke profile.
We can help you find the right venue to publish your work, how to reach a broad and diverse audience, and show you how you can track who is referencing your work and what they are saying.
Contact for individual consultations or to arrange workshops on issues related to copyright and fair use.
Read examples of how your colleagues are getting more reach for their research.