Duke Libraries can help you…
- Share your work with the world
- Increase your reach and impact
- Protect your work’s future
- Publish your data
- Make it easier for others to find and use your research
At every step in the research process, Duke University Libraries can help you share your scholarship widely, reach and engage your intended audiences, meet your funding requirements, track use, be rewarded for your work, and sustain your scholarly contributions over time — all without publication delays, access restrictions, copyright transfers, or fees. The Libraries can help you publish and maintain your work and do it your way.
To learn more contact your librarian or scholarworks@duke.edu.
Share your work with the world
Increase your reach and impact
Duke Libraries can help you…
- Get a DOI for your research so others can cite it
- Connect broad and diverse audiences with your work
- Improve audience engagement and impact
- Build an online identity
- Track how others are using your research
It is increasingly important to your career to solidify an online identity for yourself and your work. The Libraries can help you build and elevate your digital profile and help you track and analyze how others use your research.
Protect your work’s future
Duke Libraries can help you…
- Publish in a reputable, reliable journal or press
- Select the appropriate repository to archive your work
- Archive your data, code, and supplementary material
- Develop a plan for long-term preservation and access to your research
- Create a sustainability plan to keep your project active
Digital research materials can be vulnerable over time due to loss and technological obsolescence, and commercial storage and publication service providers can change business models and may have different goals than you. The Libraries can help ensure that your work lasts so that others can find and build on it well into the future.
Publish your data
Duke Libraries can help you…
- Choose the right data repository
- Archive and preserve your data and code for the long-term
- Prepare and curate your data for open access
- Develop appropriate metadata
- Make your data findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable (FAIR)
Have you been asked by a funding agency or journal to make your research data available as a condition of your grant or publication? Don’t know where to start? No matter where you are in your project’s timeline, the Libraries can help you think through the nuances of data sharing.
Make it easier for others to find and use your research
Duke Libraries can help you…
- Make your work open access
- Optimize your work for search engines
- Get indexed by relevant databases
- Make your research accessible to all audiences
- Create permanent links for you and your work
You spend thousands of hours over the course of your career in pursuit of your research—don’t let your work get lost in the activity of your field! The Libraries can help you ensure that researchers will always be able to find it.
Make your publications and data open access
Duke Libraries can help you…
- Deposit in an open access repository
- Apply an appropriate license to your research
- Retain copyright to your publications
- Regain copyright to previously published work
- Fulfill funder and university policies regarding open research
Across disciplines, free and unfettered access to academic research is critical to a healthy and open society. The Libraries can help you make your work open, transparent, and reproducible by helping you to curate and publish your underlying data and providing the infrastructure for open access versions of your research.