Below is a list of peer-reviewed scholarly journals Duke Libraries supports in their mission to publish scholarly openly.
Many journals are now transitioning to full open access. During this changeover, they are asking libraries to subscribe to their titles, which are open going forward and are gradually making their backfiles available openly as well. Duke Libraries invests in these to support a transition to openness.
Annual Reviews – Annual Reviews publishes journals in numerous disciplines. Nine journals are currently part of their S2O program:
- Annual Review of Virology
- Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering
- Annual Review of Cancer Biology
- Annual Review of Environment and Resources
- Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics
- Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science
- Annual Review of Political Science
- Annual Review of Public Health
Astronomy and Astrophysics – Scholarly journal covering theoretical, observational, and instrumental astronomy and astrophysics.
Aqua – Peer-reviewed scientific and technical papers suggesting new solutions to providing sustainable water supply. The journal covers research and development in both water technology and management.
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici – Original research articles on all aspects in mathematics.
Demography – Original research in a broad range of disciplines that includes anthropology, biology, economics, geography, history, psychology, public health, sociology, and statistics. Wide variety of methodological approaches to population research. Now published by Duke University Press.
Elemente der Mathematik – Survey articles and short notes about important developments in the field of mathematics, stimulating shorter communications that tackle more specialized questions, and papers that report on the latest advances in mathematics and applications in other disciplines.
EMS Press – publishing house of the European Mathematical Society, the not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and development of mathematics in Europe. Journals included in S20:
- Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré C
- Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré D
- Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici
- Elemente der Mathematik
- EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences
- Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics
- Interfaces and Free Boundaries
- Journal of Combinatorial Algebra
- Journal of Fractal Geometry
- Journal of Noncommutative Geometry
- Journal of Spectral Theory
- Journal of the European Mathematical Society
- L’Enseignement Mathématique
- Mathematical Statistics and Learning
- Memoirs of the European Mathematical Society
- Portugaliae Mathematica
- Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
- Quantum Topology
- Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
- Rendiconti Lincei – Matematica e Applicazioni
- Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
- Algebra & Number Theory
- Algebraic & Geometric Topology
- Analysis & PDE
- Geometry & Topology
Focaal – Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology.
Interfaces and Free Boundaries – A journal dedicated to the mathematical modeling, analysis and computation of interfaces, and free boundary problems in all areas where such phenomena are pertinent.
Journal of the European Mathematical Society – Research articles in all active areas of pure and applied mathematics.
Portugaliae Mathematica – A peer reviewed journal of high-level research articles in all branches of mathematics.
Quantum Topology – A peer reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original research articles, short communications, and surveys in quantum topology and related areas of mathematics.
Social Anthropology – Journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, the major professional organization for anthropologists in Europe. Global scope. Publishes key contributions by both established and up-and-coming anthropologists.
Water Science and Technology – Papers on all aspects of the science and technology of wastewater and stormwater management worldwide.
These journals are supported by the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3), which redirects subscription costs for libraries into collaborative, alternative funding models that allow open access to articles at no cost to authors or readers.
Chinese Physics C – Research into the theory and experiment of particle physics, nuclear physics, particle and nuclear astrophysics, and cosmology.
European Physical Journal – Series of peer-reviewed journals covering the whole spectrum of physics and related interdisciplinary subjects.
Journal of High Energy Physics – Areas of theoretical and experimental physics.
Nuclear Physics A – Papers on nuclear and hadronic physics and includes the following subsections: Nuclear Structure and Dynamics; Intermediate and High Energy Heavy Ion Physics; Hadronic Physics; Electromagnetic and Weak Interactions; Nuclear Astrophysics.
Physics Letters A – General and cross-disciplinary physics, Condensed matter physics, Quantum information, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Nonlinear science, Statistical physics, Mathematical physics, Computational physics, AMO, Physics of complex systems, Plasma physics, Fluid physics, Optical physics, Biological physics and nanoscience.
The Open Library of the Humanities is a platform supporting open access scholarly journals in the humanities with no author-facing article processing charges (APCs). Duke sponsors the activities of OLH with library funds so they can continue their mission of operating without APCs. All articles by Duke researchers published in journals hosted on OLH are made open access without fees to the authors and all articles are free to read.
Both subscription-based and APC-based journal funding models restrict access; either they are pay-to-read or pay-to-publish, which can present barriers to readers and authors. OLH uses reasonably priced contributions from libraries to fund their business activities so that scholarship can be shared openly in a truly low-barrier manner.
The OLH journals are:
- Open Library of Humanities
- 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century
- ASIANetwork Exchange
- Architectural Histories
- Body, Space & Technology
- C21 Literature: Journal of 21st-Century Writings
- The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship
- Digital Medievalist
- Digital Studies / Le champ numérique
- Ethnologia Europaea
- Francosphères
- Genealogy+Critique
- Glossa: a journal of general linguistics
- International Journal of Welsh Writing in English
- Journal of Embodied Research
- Laboratory Phonology
- Marvell Studies
- Orbit: A Journal of American Literature
- Pynchon Notes
- Quaker Studies
- Studies in the Maternal
- Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal
- Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung
- The Parish Review: Journal of Flann O’Brien Studies
[See the complete list on OLH for details of each journal and submission guidelines.]
Coming soon.
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