Historically, the open access movement has been journal article-focused. These projects strive to make scholarly monographs in book-based disciplines openly available.
MIT Direct to Open (D2O) 
MIT Press is piloting this program for open access to all new monographs from 2022 forward via recurring participation fees from libraries. It also gives digital access to the entire MIT backlist and archives.
How does the Duke community benefit?
We will have access to the entire MIT monograph catalog and we are supporting their efforts to make all monographs fully open going forward. Duke will have free access to those future books in perpetuity.
How do Duke authors utilize this resource?
Patrons can access back list MIT monographs through the Libraries catalog and fully open monographs on the internet broadly—generally from MIT Press’s website.
Open Book Publishers
A UK-based scholarly publisher of monographs in print and digital format, with purchasable volumes as well as fully open ebook editions of their titles.
How does the Duke community benefit?
The Duke Libraries supports Open Book Publishers to provide free ebook downloads as well as discounted prices on physical copies of monographs.
How do Duke authors utilize this resource?
Visit their website and find their books in the Duke Libraries catalog. You can submit your monographs to Open Book Publishers as you would any other scholarly book publisher.
punctum books 
A publisher of open access books “devoted to academic and para-academic authors working in any field in the humanities, social sciences, fine arts, and architecture & design who want to publish books that are genre-queer and genre-bending and which take experimental risks with the forms and styles of intellectual writing.”
How does the Duke community benefit?
Our support of punctum books allows all authors published with them to have their books made fully open access. This can be Duke authors’ books or books by others that Duke researchers wish to read.
How do Duke authors utilize this resource?
punctum operates like any other academic publisher: submission, peer review, and publication. Work with the publisher directly to submit your manuscript and explore their website for their already-published titles.
University of Michigan Press Fund to Mission
UMP’s transitional model to making all of their monographs fully open access, starting in 2021. The goal is to make 75% of the press’s monographs open by the end of 2023. This includes the backfile as well as new books. Duke Libraries’ support of the initiative is meant to promote sustainable, open infrastructures for sharing humanities and social sciences scholarship.
How does the Duke community benefit?
We now have access to the open backfile of UMP monographs as well as current ebooks.
How do Duke authors utilize this resource?
These titles are in the Libraries catalog and also available from the UMP website for download. If you wish you publish with UMP, your monograph will be a part of this program.
Questions? Email open-access@duke.edu
Explore other open access initiatives at Duke Libraries