Along with our colleagues in Duke University Libraries and across the university, the staff of ScholarWorks are shifting our priorities and efforts to address the most critical needs of the campus community during the coronavirus response:
ScholarWorks website
We have recently updated the ScholarWorks website ( to include more information relevant to online teaching, especially as they relate to services available through the Libraries for legally distributing and using copyrighted materials; these pages will also be linked from and where appropriate:
- Rapidly shifting your course from in-person to online:
- Privacy issues, especially for online teaching:
- Copyright in Teaching:
- Copyright and Fair Use:
While we are not working onsite, ScholarWorks staff will be regularly monitoring and responding to questions posted to the following lists:
- – general questions related to publishing, copyright, digital humanities, impact and assessment, and other topics you can find on the web site
- – permissions, copyright, and fair use questions, author agreements, FERPA
- – digital humanities research, publishing, and pedagogy; project planning and management; qualitative research management and analysis (images, text)
- – questions related to open access publishing and Duke’s open access policy, including COPE funding and the open access monograph award fund, OA waivers, etc.
- – using Elements and DukeSpace to make your publications openly available via your Scholars@Duke profile
- – for general questions about making your data openly accessible via the Duke Research Data Repository
We will be responding primarily during the Libraries’ business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm Eastern Time), but will also monitor outside those hours and endeavor to respond quickly to urgent requests that occur outside of our normal operating hours. We will follow up through email or schedule a consultation over phone or Zoom, depending on the complexity of the question. If you are not sure where to direct your question, email and we will make sure your question gets answered.
Instruction & Events
While gatherings are still prohibited on campus and in Durham, we have moved all programs online, and will continue to offer a variety of programs where you can participate via Zoom.
For latest information on ScholarWorks and related events, please see our Events page.
[ This page was last updated on August 17, 2020.]